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Perennial Edible Gardening: A Practical Guide to Year-Round Bounty

Writer: White River NurseryWhite River Nursery

Do you want to avoid the annual cycle of planting and replanting your vegetable garden every year? Want to put delicious, homegrown food on your plate with less effort? It's time to consider adding some perennial vegetables to your garden. Perennials offer a reliable food source throughout the year, requiring less maintenance than their annual counterparts. In this practical and informative guide, we'll introduce you to some of our favorite perennial vegetables and provide solutions to common issues gardeners face.

1. Asparagus: A Spring Delight

Asparagus, that slender spring beauty, is probably the most well-known perennial vegetable. While it may not be a quick producer, it rewards your patience by providing tasty green treats every year once established. It's a fantastic addition to your garden, and its early spring harvest is a true delight.


2. Horseradish: A Spicy Must-Grow

Horseradish, a perennial plant from the mustard family, is a must-grow for those who love spice and sushi. Its leaves are edible, and its strongly flavored root can bring tears to your eyes. However, be cautious, as horseradish can take over the garden with its invasive roots. Remove as much root as needed when harvesting in the fall, replanting only what you'll use for the following year.


3. Rhubarb: Colorful and Edible

Rhubarb is an edible perennial vegetable and a colorful addition to your garden. Its vibrant red, pink, and green stalks make it visually appealing. Let rhubarb grow for several years before harvesting the stalks for that perennial summer favorite – strawberry rhubarb pie. Remember, only the stalks are edible; the leaves are toxic to humans and make an excellent addition to the compost pile.

4. Herbs: Nature's Flavor Enhancers

Herbs are a great addition to any garden and can be used for many things. From eating to healing, herbs do it all. There are many perennial herbs, but some of our favorites include mint, oregano, thyme, and sage.


5. Strawberries: Sweet and Productive

Sweet, juicy strawberries are among the easiest fruits for home gardeners to grow and one of the most productive. All they need is a sunny spot with good drainage. You can plant them in rows, beds, or even pots, and they make an attractive groundcover when not fruiting. Berries typically ripen 28 to 30 days after full bloom, giving you a continuous harvest throughout the growing season.

Incorporating perennial vegetables into your garden can significantly reduce the annual workload while providing a variety of fresh and delicious produce. These perennial options save you time and add diversity and flavor to your homegrown meals. So, why not make your garden work

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